Newsletter - December 16, 2022

December 16, 2022

Dear Families, 

This week has been full of fun (and a lot of food)!!  There have been parties and quite a few children and teachers coming to school in their pajamas this week! Despite the cold and wet weather, we have been having a wonderful time here at school!

It was such a pleasure seeing so many of you at the parent coffees these past two weeks at Central Park and Park West.  Riverside will have one in January after our return TBD! Thank you to those who brought refreshments! It was so nice to be together and have the time to chat. I hope you will be able to get together over the break too! 

The teachers and staff are truly appreciative of the generous gifts you have given us. We are thankful to have supportive parents and families. We adore your children and are grateful you are a part of the Twin Parks community. Your kindness and support help us do our work better and we appreciate our partnership. 

Best to you and your families for a peaceful and joyful holiday season. I hope you all have good health and happiness! 

Susan Kambrich, Ed.D.
Executive Director
Twin Parks Montessori Schools

Stop the Biting and Other Unwanted Behaviors!

Here is the recording of the Parent Education session ICYMI!

Things to Do this Weekend and over the break:

Bronx Zoo Holiday Lights until January 8

WeBop Family Jazz Party
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Saturday, Dec 17
1:30 (45 minutes)

Chanukah at the Seaport 

Sunday, December 18

Little Orchestra Society- Tchaikovsky in New York!

Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17 and 18

Tips for a Peaceful Holiday! 

Holiday time is usually a time of joy, but keep in mind that children can be sensitive to change.  I remember once when my younger daughter was about 2, we visited my sister out of town. She commented that my daughter seemed to be clingy and a little whiny (I think she put it in a nicer way!) When we were home, our daughter was generally cheerful, cooperative, and friendly. When we traveled, she cried more, and wanted to be held more. She was more sensitive to travel and change. We all look forward to our family time and feel so excited and hopeful about our time together. Often schedules are disrupted, there is a time change with travel, food may be less nutritious, there are more people around, and often children get less sleep.  Because of this, your child may be somewhat disregulated, with ups and downs, both physically and emotionally.  Depending on age, temperament, and what your visit entails, your child may exhibit a variety of behaviors. 

Here are some holiday tips:

  • Keep your routines as close to normal as possible, especially in regards to food and sleep. Limit sugar overload! 
  • Build in downtime. Balance the excitement with something relaxing. 
  • Keep your children informed about what will happen next - as much as possible. Changes in schedule are easier if children know what will happen next. 
  • Take time for a walk or to do something physical. 
  • Set the tone - children look to us to determine if things are "OK". If you are stressed out, children pick up on that. Try to be as positive as possible, or limit visits to avoid conflict. Keep your own stress in check. 

Enjoy your time with your family! 
P.S. My daughter likes going places but deep down still prefers being at home! 

Please spread the word about our Open Houses! 

Twin Parks Montessori Schools Open House
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